Big Data
Big data is termed as very large and complex data sets comprise of 3 V’s as high velocity, high volume and high variety which are analyzed to find out various patterns and business trends related to human behaviour. On the basis of these patterns, confident and faster decision making is done which reduces risk level and cost. Moreover, the analysis of large datasets is beneficial in preventing diseases and crime etc. It is extremely used in the field of medicine and healthcare. As in Healthcare, new technologies are getting used which are high in cost. So big data is very beneficial in this issue. A large number of medical devices are used which work with big data. Big data is also used to check out food based infections by FDA. Analysis of Big data has reduced the problems of
media and government who were facing difficulties with large data sets in various areas such as the Internet, finance and business informatics. Also, Big data provides various facilities to government sectors which includes power investigation, ecological fortification and deceit recognition. As in big data, data resides in various such as email messages, word documents, images, videos and presentations so by implementing advanced analytics techniques like machine learning, data mining, statics and natural language learning helps in analyzing unused data sources independently to reveal new trends resulting in making faster decisions. Big data is not easy. It requires the big amount of storage space so organizations must regularly scale their hardware and software to accommodate the requirements of big data. In big data analysis, new data is being created so fast that organizations need to respond quickly in real time. Moreover, big data challenges the organizations in data integration too. As the data is coming from different places like business applications, media streams, e-mail systems etc. merging of all these data in creating reports can be very difficult. For this, vendors provide various data integration tools to make the process easy.In big data, Security plays a very important role for organizations with big data stores. It is because some data stores can be good targets for the hackers. So organizations are using various security methods like data encryption, identity and access control and data segregation etc. According to the market scenario, big data tools and technologies make easy for the organizations to interpret large data sets very quickly which helps them in developing new data-driven products and services efficiently. Moreover, now a time the complete focus of
organizations is on Big data. All the big data companies are motivating talented software engineers and offering various jobs and roles in Big Data industry like Big Data Developer, Big data solution architect, Hadoop administrator, Data scientist, big data analyst etc. Finally, Big data has a great impact in the world of education too. Now a time, various courses are available online for students. Teachers can also use various applications of big data in their professions. So for Big data, various organizations, like Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, SAP& Dell
have spent the good amount on software firms specializing in data analytics.