
Learning with Computer Science & Engineering

‘Computer Science & Engineering’ is an interdisciplinary programme that combines Computer Science, and Computer Engineering.

Isn’t miraculous that ‘Computer’ a machine that was invented to store and interpret the large data has now become the most powerful weapon of modern civilization? With time the computers and its application evolves considerably and leaving behind no walk of our lives untouched by it. Reliability of computer is the force behind making it an independent branch of engineering to study. Undoubtedly, the major contributor to the fast-growing world and rapid technological changes is the development of computer infrastructure, software development, and information technology.



Computers are used to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data or information often in the context of a business or any enterprises.

Departmental Technical Activities

Various technical activities are carried out in the department to enhance the technical knowledge of the students. Students along with their respective guides work in synchronization towards solving any daily life technical problem.

Co-operative Learning

Books are the best friends; however, friends are the whole of Wikipedia. The Department provides the group tasks and team projects to students in collaboration with faculty members so that the students can value time and understand the other’s viewpoints.

Experimental Learning

The approach of “Learning by doing” not only makes the student creative, moreover it enhances the productivity by experimental techniques. Self-doing helps in increasing their confidence in carrying out the physical activities rather than sitting and listening to the lecture.

Case Studies

Students are guided to study the research papers related to their subjects. Reports are presented during the lectures.


The faculty of CSE/IT holds their heads high being a part of the esteemed organization-

They prefer imparting practical knowledge to their students by their unique way of teaching which includes effective instructional strategies that would reach every student and equip them to keep pace with emerging technology. Their lectures reach the group equally even if students were underprepared for sessions. They adopt various teaching strategies such as providing special guidance (to slow learners), active learning, group work, lectures, presentations and online discussions.

The faculty submits a visual outline on the agenda for their lecture hours which are reviewed by our honorable Dean and Respected HOD. Apart from teaching, faculties focus on discipline as well and strictly adhere to policies with respect to attendance, late entrance, time to ask questions, timely distribution of answer sheets and conducting discussion forums. The students are assessed by sessionals and Pre-university examinations.

They also enhance the skills of the young professionals by conducting value added courses,    e-learning courses, and online tutorials. They also design Project Lab in order to develop teamwork and programming skills. Faculty’s task is not limited to foster learning but they also make sure they constantly re-equip themselves and enrich their knowledge by participating in conferences, undergoing workshops and learning through online tutorials.

Research papers

Learning overview CSE

By studying this course one gets the adequate knowledge about following:

  • Computer Architecture, Processor & complier design & Parallel Computing
  • Various Programming Language such as C, C++ and Advanced Java
  • Computer Graphics, Digital System Design, Rapid Application Development
  • System and Network Administration, Internet Fundamental & Web Development
  • Artificial Intelligence

Information Technology Department

‘Bachelor of Business Administration’ is the course that inculcates the entrepreneurship skill in the students by providing basic understanding about management education and training them in communication skills, quantitative reasoning, and business analysis skills. During the process of study, students gain knowledge of business practices and processes, understand the role of economics in the world marketplace, and acquire an awareness of global business issues.

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